European Forum For Electroconvulsive Therapy
…the only thing that did any good was ECT

…the only thing that did any good was ECT

The Guardian, in a nicely written article, reports the reassuring story of a man with severe and treatment-resistant depression that was helped with ECT. ‘Doctors tried everything in an effort to treat the depression that engulfed my brother. In the end, the only thing that did any good was ECT’

‘My brother ended up getting four amazing, unexpected years of vitality: not a bad result from a seizure lasting less than a minute, triggered by an electrical current applied for up to eight seconds. All under general anaesthetic. No thrashing, no writhing. Perhaps a little toe-curling. So if there is anything “crude and controversial” about ECT it’s the reaction, from some corners, to the revelation that these treatments are on the rise again’, it reads.

Read the full article here.